Now that school has started, let’s give this another try. And that’s all I have to say today because it’s been a long and crazy day, and I just don’t have the energy for anything else. :) Now on to this week’s … Monday: Garlic and Herb Pork Tenderloin, Onions, Scalloped Potatoes Tuesday: […]
Happy Independence Day 2013
Facebook Share to Save
I’ve noticed a new marketing ploy on Facebook. Suddenly it’s very popular for pages sharing recipes and DIY tips and tricks to encourage the reader, “hey save this to your page so you can find it later!” Guess what? Unless you posted it in the last few days, you probably aren’t going to be able […]
Menu Plan Monday
I used the crockpot last week to make the Angel Chicken I included in last week’s menu plan. I made enough for two meals, and one of those will probably happen this week. I fried some homemade egg rolls which I also made more than we would eat in a sitting. I froze the extra […]
I have something to tell you
This started out as a quick Facebook post, but it got so long to the tell the story properly that I decided it was turning into a blog post. So, I was on Google earlier today looking something up for a friend. And I came across a recipe called “Bacon and Egg Macaroni Salad“. Now […]
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday is back! I don’t know why I ever stopped!
Menu Plan Monday
It is too hot to cook! With that in mind, I’m looking to start using my slow cooker and toaster oven more. My goal is to not have to turn on the oven at all. I don’t use it that much anyway, so should be pretty easy to do. I’ve noticed though that even just […]
Menu Plan Monday
I’m not doing so well with this menu planning am I? LOL I really, really, REALLY want to though because I know it helps. Every time I take the time to do it, I end up being so much less stressed all week at dinner time. Even if I stray from it on occasion, it […]
Menu Plan Monday
Wow. I didn’t realize I haven’t posted at all in 2013. How did that happen? Let’s see if I can get back in the groove. :) I created this menu plan Monday night, but my computer was having issues. So rather than fight with it, I went to bed and decided to post first thing […]
Quick and Easy Chicken Casserole with Cheese & Bacon Bits
Today’s attempt at a meal that would feed everybody was a huge success. I really thought at least half of the kids would complain, but they ALL asked for seconds, including the pickiest of the picky! I’m still in shock. Quick and Easy Chicken Casserole with Cheese & Bacon Bits Print Prep time 10 […]