Ok all you household tip ladies out there. I need help!
A month or so ago my good microwave went out. So I’ve been using a small old one that my sister left when she moved. Well apparently the timer dial has decided to start sticking when there’s about a minute of time left. So last night when I decided to make some popcorn, I set the timer for 3 minutes and walked away. And as luck would have it, the timer stuck! I was busy picking up the junk Andrew left in the living room, so by the time I noticed it the smoke was POURING from the microwave. I opened the door and it flooded the kitchen.
Imagine the scene if you will. The rain/snow mix falling from the sky, and I have all my windows open and a fan going in the living room trying to get the smoke out. LOL
Anyway, now my house, and obviously the microwave, smell like burnt popcorn. My head hurts from the smell. Any tips on getting the smell out quickly and for sure?!?
Tishia Lee says
ROFLMAO My advice? Pitch the microwave and get a new one. Ok ok back to reality….uhm seriously good luck getting that smell to go away. Been there done that before and it took MONTHS before the burnt smell of popcorn went away. I feel your pain. It stinks (no pun intended of course…LOL).
Tishia Lees last blog post..Thanks KLT Radio Station!
Angie says
Try some fresh lemon pieces in water, cook them for a couple of minutes, give the microwave a good wipe out and should be as good as new. Hope this helps
Herb Mason says
Open the door of the microwave. get a Fresh Air or Living Air Purifier, place it in front of the mircwave blowing into it with the setting high, but fan on low, make a tent over it with a large towel and walk away for a couple of hours. Bingo, odor gone. Works like a charm I will send you on 100% risk free if you want. (800)439-0132