Well hello there! I’m back, and (as always) hoping to become a regular here. :D
We’ve had a financially rough summer. My electric bill has been through the roof due to a malfunctioning air conditioner unit. So most of the extra money and food money has been going to keeping up with that. So meal planning has been revolving around frugal recipes more than usual. Thankfully, we’re not picky eaters, and there’s a few cheap meals Andrew will eat over and over without complaining. Sometimes simple really is best.
I’m also going to attempt using the concept of cooking to a day of the week theme.
Sunday – Comfort Foods
Monday – Ground Beef Night
Tuesday – Mexican Night
(I used to call this Taco Tuesday, but then Andrew pouted every time I didn’t actually make Tacos. So I’m just going to call it Mexican Night now. Ahem.)
Wednesday – Chicken Night
Thursday – This will be the night for whatever we might have on hand that doesn’t fit into a devoted night.
Friday – Pizza at least once a month. Otherwise whatever we might have on hand that doesn’t fit into a devoted night.
Saturday – Soup and/or Sandwich Saturday
(For my purposes, sandwiches includes hamburgers and hot dogs. Much to Andrew’s dismay. He told me these were NOT sandwiches. I told him from now on Sandwich Saturday includes anything served on bread or a bun. And since the weather is cooling off, and we love soup around here, I’m adding that as an option.)
All nights are subject to change without notice. We might eat out once. I might switch nights due to activities or planning issues. And I expect to do so without any pouting. (I’m talking to you Andrew.)
Now on to this week’s …
Monday: Chicken and Potatoes with onions and mushrooms (I know I just said Mondays would be ground beef, but I thawed out chicken and had it cooking before writing this post. This falls under the the “reserving the right” disclaimer mentioned above.)
Here’s a picture.
Tuesday: Easy Enchiladas
Wednesday: Ginger Chicken loosely following this recipe.
Thursday: BBQ Ribs with fries
Friday: We’re going to a birthday party this night so I’m just going to have to wing it where dinner is concerned. Basically probably leftovers or eating out.
Saturday: Loose Meat Sandwiches loosely following this recipe.
Sunday: Rice and Gravy
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