“I Make Cerebral Palsy Look Good”
National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month is the month of March, and National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day is March 25th. The day was originally created in 2006 by Reaching for the Stars (RFTS), a cerebral palsy advocacy group, to educate, push for inclusion, and find a cure for cerebral palsy.
Sam was diagnosed at the end of October 2021. It’s mild… apparently extremely mild compared to many from what I’ve read. We’re still researching, learning, and waiting on therapies, but we’re hopeful for his future.
While we’re at the beginning of our discovery journey and still learning to navigate the struggles both physical and emotional, I’ve often also struggled so many times in the last six months or so since his diagnosis with the question of what did I do wrong that caused this. I have discovered that I had many pre-existing conditions that could have contributed to it, plus my car accident right before he was born could have been the cause.
But I’m learning to trust and accept God has us through this journey.
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